I'm a big Call of Duty "fan-boy" and hearing about the new zombies map-pack Mob of the dead got me existed. looking at the trailer over and over let me notice new things each time, the first thing I noticed was the zombies eyes being red instead of yellow or blue like the previous maps. There were other things like the afterlife, the keys, the dog in the wall and of course the new weapon.

On Tuesday April 16 I was able to download the new map and play it after school with a friend and everything about it looked awesome but while playing it I noticed some setbacks. One of them was there are no places to horde or kite the zombies in order to make it to high rounds, I like just running from place to place but I still have to get use to the very small halls rather than black ops 1 Ascension where the whole map is open.

The second setback was the afterlife challenges were hard to figure out and had me resort to YouTube to find out how to get the key that opens everything. I do like how the took the time to really work on the maps design with all of the doors to open and places to go it created a fun experience that I will keep playing for a while.    
Corey G.
4/21/2013 10:48:26 pm

Zombies is my all time favorite


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