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On march 27 (yesterday) a whole bunch of schools all got together and went to ted-x Waterloo to listen to the 15 speakers that talked about "finding home" and their struggles and how they overcame them.

Through out the very long 7ish hours we heard a variety of different stories ranging from starting out with nothing and gaining what they wanted, to people who just wanted to help others in life and do what they love to do.

After we heard multiple people talk about how they did what they did and do what they do, we were able to go for lunch. They had pre made food boes that included a sandwich, apple, cookie and vegtibles. the food was good and after we were done eating we were aloud to walk arond and see everything.

During the second part of the show we were able to listen to more people talk about what it is that they do and why the do it. My favorite person that went up would be the boxer, I thought he was really cool and his speech was interesting. He talked about growing up and how he got into what he does. His main message was to work hard and if something is right, do it right.

Overall I think that it was a good trip with many lessons that were learned and I think alot of people would feel the same way. So I think many oher people would enjoy it if they got the chance to


Today we watched a video about a girl who was a music artist who had based her life off of asking people for money instead of making them pay a flat industry fee for her music. She belived that music shou be free and people should only pay if they really want to.

She started off her career buy being a human statue on the sidwalk and when people would give money shou would in return give them a flower while remaining quiet. She had gone to an ats school for music and had graduated so she formed a band. her and her band had started making their own music and eventually got signed with a record compony. when the album was released it only had 25k sales, that band thought that was great but the lable didn't.

They later droped the lable and sjust started asking people for help (if they could stay at someones house for the night while they are doing a show). She decided to make her music free to her fans because she didn't belive in making people pay for it. they started a fundraiser to get at least 100k but they actually made 1.2 million in donations. Now she lets random people come on stage with heir music and play their own music to get seen. After the concert they would hang out with the fans for hours just talking to them all.

In conclusion I think that people need to have more faith in people when it comes to help and support. I hope that they can continue with their music and

Not realizing how quickly a school day has gone. After waking up in the morning and dragging yourself to school, you struggle to walk through the hallway because your half asleep and your bedhead shows for it you find a group of friends and join into what ever conversation is happening.

You pretend to really listen meanwhile your just trying to wake up and remember what you have to do or what is due today. after standing there for a few minutes waking up you hear the awful sound of the first bell, you actually react a few seconds later and start walking to your class. on your long walk to first period you hear the random 80's music playing over the speakers which encourages you to walk twice as fast to first period.

After sitting down in first you start to doze off and just as you snap back thinking it was only for a few minute, the bell for second goes and the same thing happens there. Before you know it your sitting in last period with only a few minutes left in the class but you cant remember anything that happened.

You go home and try to remember what you did that day but nothing comes to mind, so you just hope that you didn't have homework and go back to bed.  
One of the places that I want to go would have to be Barbados. there are a few reasons that I would want to go to Barbados, 1 of the reasons would be because it is always warm with some sun so there is a lot of stuff that you ca do because there is no rain or clouds or snow so the limits are much less than in Canada. There is alot of nice senery there with many water falls and forests just outside of the main city where the hotels are and the homes are so you are only a few minutes away from seeing beutiful outdoors with many animals. I think that the biggest reason I would want to go is because a guy who makes youtube videos that I like to watch came from there and likes to talk about it sometimes and it sounds great. After looking at pictures and reading about the history I think it would be really cool to see what it actually looks like for myself. So Barbados is the place that I would want to go out of every other place in the world. 
The last day before a long holiday. its a Friday even though Fridays are already a good sign of things to come (weekend) for some reason this one seems more important but you just can't figure out why it is but deep down you know there is something. After getting to school it hits you like a ton of bricks, march break, 1 of the 3 best breaks 1.summer break, 2 Christmas break, 3 march break. you start off your regular day feeling much better know that this is the last you will come to school for a week. throughout class you think about all the fun things you will do, hang out with friends, go biking or other fun stuff, as break actually comes you realize all you want to do is just sleep and that it how most of march break will actually be spent  
Sleeping after school. You walk in to your house after a long day of school full of tests and work pages that should be done by the next day. After throwing your bag on your floor and making something to eat you don't really know what to do so you grab your laptop and go to your room. you open up Facebook and twitter or what ever you use and see what people are complaining about this time, after reading all of the mys life is hard posts you open up you tube and start to watch a video from someone you are subscribed to. As your watching the video while laying in bed you don't realize but your eyes start to close and before you know it you wake up just in time for dinner. Awesome! 
We went over some of the rights that students under 18 have and we were supposed to write about which one surprised you the most, the one that surprised me the most was the rule that you can be arrested for skipping school. I know that they would fine you for truancy but I didn't know that they could arrest you for it   
Getting a new game. You have beaten all of your old games and have nothing left to do, you are finished the campaign and are the max level on the multi-player part and that was your most recent game. as you think of what game you are going to go back to and beat for a 2nd or 3rd time you see on the market place or in a store a new game that actually looks interesting. You look it up online and find out that it is really cool so you end up buying the game. When you get home you put the disk in the Xbox or PS3 (I'm not judging) and start up the game, you are welcomed by a loud guitar rif and sit in the glow of the games name and designer. you press start and get start up the game and before you know it BOOM 3 hours gone. Awese
We just finished some group work where we had to decide what rights and freedoms are most important on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the one we ant the most and 10 being the one we would give up first). 10. right to criticize the government 9. right to leave the country and return regardless of time spent outside 8. right to economic opportunities
7. right to be innocent until proven guilty 6. right to participate in the democratic process 5. right to equality 4. right to be protected from discrimination 3. right to be protected from outsiders, terrorists, wars 2. right to my own thoughts, expressions, and beliefs 1.    
we just finished 2 videos that have basically the same meeting, the first talks about how the world is over populated and full and we need 1.5 earths just to sustain us now. the second video was talking about garbage in the ocean and how there is a pile the size of Texas. Both of them basically mean that us as humans have to start changing the way the we live and treat this earth and how to do it in a more sustainable way to live that way future generations can live in a nicer world with few wars and no starvation's. So basically we need to turn things around for the futu