Having just enough ingredients to make your favorite food. Whether you have just enough milk for cereal or your making nachos and you have just the right amount of cheese. You wake up in the morning and roll out of bed thinking to you're self "I hope I don't have to run downstairs to get a new bag of milk" you stumble down the hall and make your way to the fridge open the door and boom, a new fresh bag of milk. You come out at lunch to make some nachos and you think do i have to go out to get more cheese, you open the fridge again and boom full brick of cheese. its dinner, you sit down with your burger and realize that you don't have enough ketchup but after a few seconds of hitting the bottom the perfect drop of ketchup falls from the bottle and lands perfectly. Awesome!
Ms Lillie
2/28/2013 12:02:27 pm

Fantastic descriptions of these moments. Truly, these are three seperate moments of awesome! And I now I'm hungry... :)


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