The last day before a long holiday. its a Friday even though Fridays are already a good sign of things to come (weekend) for some reason this one seems more important but you just can't figure out why it is but deep down you know there is something. After getting to school it hits you like a ton of bricks, march break, 1 of the 3 best breaks 1.summer break, 2 Christmas break, 3 march break. you start off your regular day feeling much better know that this is the last you will come to school for a week. throughout class you think about all the fun things you will do, hang out with friends, go biking or other fun stuff, as break actually comes you realize all you want to do is just sleep and that it how most of march break will actually be spent  
Sleeping after school. You walk in to your house after a long day of school full of tests and work pages that should be done by the next day. After throwing your bag on your floor and making something to eat you don't really know what to do so you grab your laptop and go to your room. you open up Facebook and twitter or what ever you use and see what people are complaining about this time, after reading all of the mys life is hard posts you open up you tube and start to watch a video from someone you are subscribed to. As your watching the video while laying in bed you don't realize but your eyes start to close and before you know it you wake up just in time for dinner. Awesome! 
We went over some of the rights that students under 18 have and we were supposed to write about which one surprised you the most, the one that surprised me the most was the rule that you can be arrested for skipping school. I know that they would fine you for truancy but I didn't know that they could arrest you for it   
Getting a new game. You have beaten all of your old games and have nothing left to do, you are finished the campaign and are the max level on the multi-player part and that was your most recent game. as you think of what game you are going to go back to and beat for a 2nd or 3rd time you see on the market place or in a store a new game that actually looks interesting. You look it up online and find out that it is really cool so you end up buying the game. When you get home you put the disk in the Xbox or PS3 (I'm not judging) and start up the game, you are welcomed by a loud guitar rif and sit in the glow of the games name and designer. you press start and get start up the game and before you know it BOOM 3 hours gone. Awese
We just finished some group work where we had to decide what rights and freedoms are most important on a scale of 1-10 (1 being the one we ant the most and 10 being the one we would give up first). 10. right to criticize the government 9. right to leave the country and return regardless of time spent outside 8. right to economic opportunities
7. right to be innocent until proven guilty 6. right to participate in the democratic process 5. right to equality 4. right to be protected from discrimination 3. right to be protected from outsiders, terrorists, wars 2. right to my own thoughts, expressions, and beliefs 1.    
we just finished 2 videos that have basically the same meeting, the first talks about how the world is over populated and full and we need 1.5 earths just to sustain us now. the second video was talking about garbage in the ocean and how there is a pile the size of Texas. Both of them basically mean that us as humans have to start changing the way the we live and treat this earth and how to do it in a more sustainable way to live that way future generations can live in a nicer world with few wars and no starvation's. So basically we need to turn things around for the futu   
Getting your homework done in a different class, you wake up, get dressed go to school and when you walk in your friend reminds you of the math homework from the day before. you start to remember it and how you didn't do it. . . you go to your first period and quickly pull out your binder and start the math when you realize that it is really easy and you are done before the end of the first period, ready to hand it in. Awesome!  
Doing better that you thought that you would on a test. You trudge into math and sit down at your wobbly desk that moves when you write on it and you remember that you have a unit test on one of those units that you just don't get, you start to worry that you won't pass and about how hard it is going to be. after 5 minutes of review on notes that make no sense the teacher starts handing out the 4 page (back and front) test. . .
you start going thru it and for some reason the questions seem easy even though you couldn't do the review you just understand these questions. A week later the teacher hands the marked tests back and when you get yours you are surprised to see that big red 83% on the top of your paper right next to a happy face sticker. Awesome!  

Above you will find a link to the youtube video kid president, the video is of a little boy who talks about how we need to make life better for our self's and every one around us. he throws in some funny quotes to make the video seem brighter, he says that we should take the road less traveled because it could be the road of awesome. 
When you are good at somthing withuout even trying. you find somthing new or someone tells you that you need to go do somthing and you think that it is going to be really hard, and you are not going to be able to do it, but the moment that you try you find out that it isn't that bad and in fact you are actually good at it with out putting in too much effort. Awesome!